Mgr. Jana Vysoudilová
Member of the therapeutic team
Individual psychotherapy / Sandplay / Self-exploratory residence stays / Holotropic breathwork /
Spiritual emergency/ Music therapy
Curriculum Vitae:
She comes from southern Bohemia, where she lived until 15 years old. At this moment she lives in Babice near Štenberk with her family.
She graduated from textile design at a high school in Brno, then she studied artistic education for primary art schools at Palacký University in Olomouc. During her studies, she started playing classical guitar, which she started studying alongside her studies at a conservatory in Pardubice. Music became a big interest of hers, so she also picked up private and opera singing and piano.
For many years she was a lecturer at the music school Yamaha, where she liked the philosophy of the playful approach to children in programs focused on the development of their musical and creative skills and intelligence. At this moment, she teaches playing classical guitar, singing, piano and musical education at the primary school ZUŠ Moravský Beroun.
In 2014 she successfully finished her tri-semester course in holistic music therapy at the Philosophy faculty of Palacký University in Olomouc and she leads active and passive therapies for individuals and groups.
In 2018 she acquired the GTT certificate for the holotropic breathwork technique and she helps in the organization of holotropic breathwork seminars at Holos.
She presents her artwork – pastel and oil-painting – regularly at exhibitions and with her watercolor pieces she accompanied Jitka Badoučková’s collection My sister grass.
She has been practicing hatha yoga since she was 12 years old and she also dedicated herself to Christian yoga under the supervision of Otakar Vojkůvka. She cooperated with him at the lecture program The School of wisdom and yoga summer camps as a lecturer. Part of her interests is also the study of philosophy, psychology and various techniques for personal development, for example like tarot, numerology etc. Currently, she works within this field occasionally as a consultant.
She has been participating in the program of Holos since 2004 during the holotropic breathwork seminars, which became a meaningful part of her personal self-reflection. Year by year, she understands better the power of experience as the main tool for transformation. It has a meaningful impact on her work and on the search for her own inner artistic and human purpose. Thanks to this, she also does holotropic art in the domains of art and literature work.