What is Grof® breathwork
Grof breathwork is a technique that evolved from the earlier holotropic breathwork. The Grof® Breathwork technique is protected by the Grof® trademark, founded in 2020 by Stanislav and Brigitte Grof, and can only be used by certified teachers and graduates of the Grof® Legacy Training, as this is the training currently endorsed by Stanislav and Brigitte Grof and guarantees teaching and conducting seminars in accordance with their teachings.
More information about the global Grof® Legacy Training project and the history of its development can be found here: https://en.grof-legacy-training.cz/globalni-projekt. Milan Hrabánek is one of the authorized teachers of this training and all of our seminars can thus bear the name Grof® Breathwork.
Grof® breathwork, which was developed by Stanislav and Christina Grof, is one of the methods of transpersonal psychology. It was founded on 35 years of research of extraordinary states of consciousness, which the psychiatrist of Czech origin MUDr. Stanislav Grof had begun since the sixties in Czechoslovakia and with which he then continued in USA. Today, he is one of the globally acknowledged authorities of the relatively young field of transpersonal psychology. The theoretical background and practical application of this discipline and especially the holotropic breathwork method can be found in Dr. Grof’s published books.
"Holotropic" in translation means oriented towards wholeness. For the induction into the altered states of consciousness this method uses accelerated breathing and evocative music. These states open the person to all the levels of human experiences, they enable us to understand the root cause of our unproductive behavior, the suppression of emotions and energies, which are during this process released and transformed.
This effective and safe method for self-exploration combines the results from modern consciousness research, depth psychology and various spiritual practices. The experiences, which go beyond our normal perception of time, space and boundaries of the ego, give us an outlook on ourselves in a new context of spiritual unity with the whole of existence. This method also brings useful insights for addicted people, it enables the revision of obsessive states and that is how it helps to prevent these unwanted behaviors. It shouldn’t be though of as a healing method, but as a way of self-exploration and connecting with the spiritual level of life.
For whom is it suitable?
The seminars can help people:
Interested in inner work and deeper self-understanding
Looking for a spiritual path, more meaningful approach to life and a dialogue with people of similar interest
Who had a "Bad trip", a difficult psychedelic experience
Participating in some addiction treatment program
Searching for an effective prevention from obsessive behaviors
Growing up in disharmonious families
Working with other people as a consultant, therapist, doctor etc.
Undergoing a difficult situation in life (divorce, death of a relative, loss of employment etc.)
Desiring a development of their artistic creativity
Grof breathwork also looks to be useful as a supportive method during the treatment of various psychosomatic illnesses – migraines, asthma, psoriasis etc – as well as some mental illnesses – anorexia, bulimia, depression etc. It can also help you find a path, if you have different or unclarified sexual orientation.
The seminars are not suitable for (contraindications):
People with a sickness, because the breathing can be emotionally and physically demanding. Especially:
Cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure - hypertension, some types of epilepsy, glaucoma, vascular edema - aneurysm, suffered a head injury associated with bleeding into the brain, etc.
Serious mental illness, infectious diseases, serious mental disorders.
Active drug use, including marijuana and alcohol or other addictive substances and psychedelics. (Minimum 30-day abstinence required; minimum 14-day abstinence for alcohol)
Pregnant woman

The application process
If you have not yet taken Grof breathwork with us, you must contact us by phone before signing up. Together we will arrange a time for an hour initial consultation, which can be in person or via Skype.

Infoline to book a consultation:
+420 773 615 324 (Call only Tue, Wed, Thu between 8:30AM and 9:00AM)
If you have already had a GB experience with us, and your health situation hasn't changed, you can check out our program and try out more of our programs.
Forms of Grof® breathwork at the Center Holos
Weekend seminar of Grof breathwork
These group seminars of GB are framed to be self-exploratory and experiential, so it is meant for people, who are interested in inner work or just would like to understand the GB method better.
The seminars are typically 2 days long. We begin on Saturday at 1pm. After the initial introduction to the technique, there will be the first round of holotropic breathwork, which is then repeated on Sunday at 9am. The work is done in couples, where during each round only one person breathes and the other one is a so called sitter, who looks after the breather – handing water, tissues, escorting to the toilet, etc. After each round, the participants share their experiences. The closing of the seminar usually happens on Sunday around 17 hours.
Some seminars we offer can last more days and can have a slightly different program, which can always be found in the description of the specific event.
The participants always stay around the place of the seminar, which can be in a shared room in sleeping bags or accommodated in rooms of Center Holos. It is possible to make a reservation of the rooms, if there is the capacity, in the application form.
We provide to our participants of the seminars a whole array of techniques for the integration of their experience. In addition to capturing the experience into a mandala, it is possible to utilize the techniques Sandplay or Soul Collage. During some seminars we also make shamanic masks or a clay mandala.
Grof breathwork in a small group
GB in a small group is done with maximum of 10 people and is meant mainly for our clients, who for any reason are not fit for the typical seminar in a large group. There is a bigger space for an individual work with a therapist.
These small groups usually happen on Tuesdays. The participants arrive in the morning at 8:30, additionally we recommend a booking of our room, so that you can arrive a day earlier, if possible. The closing happens in the evening around 16:00. All participants breathe at the same time under the supervision of our experienced sitters and floaters, followed by a group sharing.
Individual session of Grof breathwork
The individual session of GB (1 client – 1 therapist) is meant only for the clients in our treatment programs, for whom it is not suitable to participate in the large or the small group seminars.
Holotropic breathing in water
The theoretical bases and the practical application of holotropic breathing in water has been developed here by Milan Hrabánek, MD, whose experiences showed, that the water environment in many cases allowed a deeper experience during the holotropic process, including the material from perinatal matrices and possible insights into past lives. This experience creates an intermedieary between the typical holotropic breathwork and a floatation tank (based on sensory deprivation).
How is HB in water different from the typical session? The breathwork is done in groups of 3, so that every breather has access to two assistants. The breathwork is done in water on floating pontoons. For the intensification of the experience, the water is heated up to the core body temperature. For the induction into the altered states of consciousness this method uses accelerated breathing and evocative music. These states open the person to all the levels of human experiences, they enable us to understand the root cause of our unproductive behavior, the suppression of emotions and energies, which are during this process released and transformed.
The water seminars are only for those, who have already undergone a typical session of HB at least once.
The seminars of HB in water can be found in our Event program, though currently we are searching for new places ideal for these seminars.
Grof breathwork with live music
Holotropic LIVE – happens only once a year during the seminar Farewell with summer at the end of August. This prolonged seminar of holotropic breathwork has two GB processes, one of which is with live music, that is created by the natural instruments being played by our team of music therapists, while the sitters are also allowed to join in. Part of the seminar is also the sauna of native Americans – sweatlodge. Since the program of this seminar is really loaded, there is no time for theoretical preparation, for this reason the seminar is only allowed for people, who already have at least one experience with GB.
What to follow after a session of Grof® Breathwork
I stay with myself, in silence, in humility, with attention directed inward, allowing myself time to complete the process
I only share my feelings about the session with people I trust and know will understand me. I can use the LOTOS Sharing Group - the last Wednesday of each month at Holos.
I will take plenty of clean water for two days, at least 2 litres a day.
on the day after the session, no fatty food, only light food, vegetarian is recommended
just after the session I will take a shower for at least 10 minutes, not a bath
swimming in nature is possible
driving a motor vehicle is not allowed until 2 hours after the end of GB, with the recommendation not to play music in the car or sing while driving. If I notice a drop in attention while driving, I will stop immediately and walk outside near the car.
I do not seek out boisterous entertainment - disco and other loud heavy music
no consumption of alcoholic beverages, drugs and psychedelics for at least 10-14 days after GB!
We don´t reccomend intimate contact with another person for at least 24 hours due to the opening of the whole body energy system during GB
no TV watching and PC work for 24 hours
contact with animals is recommended
walks outdoors in nature, running and other lighter physical activities welcome
staying in partial shade and fresh air
working on yourself and the mandala - supplementing information by drawing and writing
to complete the inner process, I will use other techniques for integration as appropriate - music therapy, yoga, bioenergetics.
I can use individual consultations, music therapy or sandplay in Holos.
Tel: +420 773 615 324, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 – 9:00